Spreading Happy
...one smile at a time
Our Mission
Share Happy ...the feeling, not the stuff! The stuff is a fun vehicle but the feeling is the destination.
Yup, here we are flogging our goods, all while stating "it's not about the stuff".
We make HappyStuff because we think it's a great way to bring more happiness into the world and we know how far the support from the sale of one item reaches.
Some say "money makes the world go around" and others say it's love. We think it's both plus a huge helping of happy ...obviously : )
Our Why
Spreading happiness may not seem like the noblest of causes but hey, we don't choose what tugs at our heartstrings. When you know in your heart what you are meant to do, you must do it.
...and so, without apology, that is our why.
Made For You
As much as we love our Happy Shoes and stuff, we are conscious of our footprint.
With this in mind, rather than manufacturing in bulk, we've chosen a made-for-you approach.
Each item is made-to-order with our earth in mind. Some of our pieces are printed, cut and sewn by hand. We do our best to choose eco-friendly materials and processes. The work is done in the location nearest to you, to best reduce environmental impact.
All these things influence delivery times and cost. We strongly believe it's worth it because the cost of not operating this way is far too high.
The Made-For-You environment could be a different experience than what you may be used to. We understand you might choose to go a different way.
We all have choices to make, please know we so appreciate each and every one that chooses mindfully.
Our Business Model
The foundation of our business is structured on our belief that there is no greater objective than that of Joy. It is after all (whether you realize it or not), the reason you are here on this earth!
Regarding the earth & HappyStuff, as with all things in life there is a delicate balance that must be maintained. To help address overproduction we have chosen to supply on a made-to-order basis.
We are committed to making responsible choices and to search for better and better alternatives.
What Makes Us Different
In the beginning, we were just two happy dreamers...
HappyStuff is what you get when one perpetually happy dreamer with an infectious demeanour and one driven, multi-passioned, dreamer spend precisely the right amount of time sharing dreams.
As individuals it's obvious that (we are not like everyone else) we're just a bit weird in our optimism. As a brand we are embracing that weirdness and sharing it with who ever will have us.
What Makes Our Stuff Different
Our passionate expression of a simple word through the creative power of typography, is purposefully placed or meticulously plastered all over the STUFF we make HAPPY.
Bespoke is a favourite word around here. Although we realize "custom-made" is a stretch, "made to individual order" is our manifesto.
We recognize mass production is not a sustainable model and lovingly choose our HappyStuff carefully.
A co-creative dance begins at conception of an item, entangling designers, manufacturers, engineers, artisans, artists and an endless list of others.
It's nothing short of a miracle; the cooperative components involved in producing one of our pieces. Through the eyes of appreciation, we see them as works of art.
From start to finish, the process of bringing it to you is a work of art in itself!
When you think about the incalculable number of hands and hearts involved, you understand that even a mug is a work of art.
Help Us Spread Happy
Feel Happy. It is a choice! It is within the power of every individual to make that choice. A decision that enriches life beyond measure. When you make feeling good your prime objective, it not only transforms your life, it lights the way for others.
Wear Happy. Like putting on an oxygen mask, you do it for yourself first so you can be of help. Wearing something fun that makes you feel happy brings that feeling into the experience of those around you.
Share Happy. It's easy, it's contagious! One simple smile will do : )